Hello all cadets,
A request from the RSA for assistance this Friday was finalised today.
As some of will be aware, this Friday (April 17th) is Poppy Day.
As such, the RSA have requested some assistance with the poppy run.
More information can be found below the break.
The timings for the day are as follows:
08:30 – Arrive on site at RSA
09:00 – Start collection.
11:30 – Second collection shift starts.
14:30 – Day wind down.
Locations of collection and shifts will be allocated on the day at the RSA.
If any cadets are available to assist can they make FGOFF Tamanui aware of this please. They are to be dressed in full blues with jerseys.
Please pass this message on to any cadets you are in contact with.
FGOFF Tamanui can be reached on 027-814-2776
Parade timings for ANZAC day will follow along once they have been confirmed. They will also be posted both here on the Squadron website and on the Squadron Facebook page, as well as sent out in an email.
~UO Parkes, Dyson