
No 14 (City of Gisborne) Squadron is the Gisborne-based squadron of the New Zealand Air Training Corps, one of the three Corps of the New Zealand Cadet Forces.

When you join the ATC you get to do lots of stuff that you wouldn’t be able to do with many other organisations.

Some activities you will get to experience with ATC include flying a plane (or a glider), camping and tramping in New Zealand’s great outdoors, visiting operational Air Force Bases, challenging other local units in competitions, and making a heap of new friends.

Not only do we help you have great experiences, we help you learn the skills you need to get the most out of them!

Parade Nights

The Squadron parades every Tuesday night of the school term from 6pm to 9pm at:

Masonic Lodge Hall
188 Childers Road
Gisborne 4010
New Zealand

Explore the site to find out more about what we do or click “Contact Us” if you would like to speak with us. You can also visit our Facebook page for more news and photos & videos from our latest events.